After she briefly spoke to the children, Williams, James Blake and An Achievable Dream staff lined up 10 promising tennis Dreamers to share the court with the stars. Blake and a child would be on one side of the net, with Williams and another child on the other side.

An Achievable Dream is a non-profit organization but more importantly, it operates an actual accredited school within the public school system delivering a social, academic and moral curriculum to children who may not otherwise have hope to achieve their dreams. It works by setting expectations, guidelines and boundaries, refusing to use poverty as an excuse, and recognizing inner-city kids can meet and often exceed expectations.
1 comment:
That is a real admirable thing serena did. more athletes need to reach out to today's youth like serena and james.
Check out this great holiday e-card from the tennis channel called Lord of the Strings. Share it with friends at http://lots.tennischannel.com/
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