September 13, 2009

2009 US Open "Foot Fault" - The Video


Unknown said...

I think you acted unprofessionally. Even in the heat of the moment, the line judge didn't deserve the beratement. She deserves an apology, as well as the fans...

Rai. said...

The line judge doesn't deserve an apology and the fans who are true fans understand what happened in the heat of the moment.

Anonymous said...

How dare Serena Williams threatens and shouts racial slurrs at a line judge? Serena had neither professionalism nor grace. What if you replaced the Asian line judge with a black person? Surely people would be up in arms calling this racism and discrimination. This is a major disgrace and we tennis fans deserve an apology as we are affected negatively as much as the line judge.

Anonymous said...

if you are a true fan of Serena Williams, you deserve an apology, if you're not, you deserve jack.

Anonymous said...

What idiot on here truly believes she spouted a racial slur? And if you parse her words, it was not a threat. That wouldn't hold up in court so people need to be very careful as to what they're saying. Anyway, glad Serena has learned and I'm a true fan who understands that shit happens. She has FAR MORE forgiving qualities and this is one mistake.

Can you post information on the new school she's going to open in a couple of months in Africa? Thanks!

Zane said...

people i think that line judge did what she did deliberately.........ok Serena could have come back even though clijsters was playing so well....she has done it before.ok again white america show how raisist they really are...ok. any one who watched the match should have seen what happened exactly and see the serena wasnt the one at serena you already know what you up against you show them that you're a true champion and come next year and take the tennis world by and venus.......good luck God Bless

Anonymous said...

Typical worthless thug mentality. That outburst is the TRUE serina williams, not an aboration. Disgracefull.