“....I have a lot of respect for who she is, what she did,” Henin said. “She is a real champion. She proved it again in this tournament. Has been in trouble, and she had the reaction of the greatest champions. A real fighter. Never gives up. And I think she really helped the game to come at another level and she really helped women's tennis a lot. She's still there with an amazing attitude."
I think this was the quote of the tournament. It is one athlete's appreciate of another. All the time you hear players when asked who are their greatest influences etc., or they are asked about Serena's game and all they say is that she is a great champion or they name some other player who has long since retired. To hear Justine speak so eloquently about the mind of Serena and how she is able to come up big on the most challenging moments was good to hear. In addition, Serena has credited Justine for the way she has competed this tournament and the risks that she has made. I think for right now these 2 players have raised the bar for the rest of the women on the Tour. I hope that the younger ones either woke up early or stayed up late to watch this match. There is a lot to be learned about competition and how to stand firm in those tough moments. Very happy for Serena's win but even more happy that women's tennis is getting the attention it so richly deserves and for the right reason. Not about sexiness and beauty or who can or cannot toss a ball, but for about the mental toughness and the skill that these 2 women displayed during these championships. Fantastic for women's tennis for 2010.
someone's got a little bit of an obsession with serena williams.
What is your point brainsnorts?? I am so proud of Serena for winning this tourney and tieing BJK's grandslam record. A lot of people out there said they she wouldn't do it and that she could never beat Henin. Many commentators and sports analists stated that the only reason Serena won 2GS in 09 was because she didn't have to face Henin. Serena has once again proved them WRONG! Serena is and will always be a true champion!! She is my tennis hero.
monika, I agree with you 100%. The girl is just fantastic for the sport.
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