November 10, 2008

Serena set to open school in Kenya

Tennis icon and super star Serena Williams will officially visit Kenya (for the first time) for three days this week to officially inaugurate a school built using her funds. Ms Williams will officially open the Serena Williams Secondary School in Matooni, Makueni constituency in Eastern province, on Friday, November 14.

The school was built through partnership between the Build African Schools initiative - an American non profit making organization - and Hewlett Packard, the world's largest technology firm.

Hewlett Packard, as part of its commitment to support education in developing countries, will install in each school a computer laboratory and classroom, laptop, printers, the World Wide Web, and facilitate training for the teachers and students.

The school will give chance to hundreds of primary school pupils in the location to pursue secondary school education. The area is semi arid, with schools far in and between. The area suffers from high school drop out rate, and most students are orphans due to the high HIV /Aids prevalence rate in the area.

- Claire Wanja / Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

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